
Archive for July 15th, 2010

I have completed one month of my three months of daily cleaning for #95 on my list.  I’ve also completed my first two-week cleaning cycle that I talked about here.

Here’s a glimpse at my index cards.  I’ve been through the entire cycle once so far, but haven’t really gotten more than a glimpse of how they will work in everyday life.  I started the cycle on two weeks which included a long holiday weekend and the weekend before our anniversary, for which we were out-of-town celebrating.

My initial impressions are favorable.  The first two weeks were going to be the hardest ones, I thought, because I needed to get things cleaned up to a baseline.  I now think that these next two weeks will also be working toward that baseline.  I am getting well over my 15 minutes of work per day, even though I haven’t been completing every task on each day’s card.  I’ve decided that these are the ideal actions for each room.  Some days I will get through all of them, and some days I won’t.  I’ve been doing my best to continue to work on the things that I don’t finish on their appointed day along with the next day’s list.  We’ll see how long that lasts.

One third of the way done, and I’m having my first slump into frustration.  I know that cleaning is an ongoing task, but I can’t help shake the feeling that I’m cleaning all the time for little effect.  I’m hoping that once I get to the “baseline” clean, the daily efforts will be more noticeable.

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